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Our goal is to educate individuals on the importance of creating a strong health and wellness foundation built on functional training methods and findings in exercise science – that prevents injury and yields results.  We have assembled an outstanding collection of coaches to guide you through a variety of programming that will lead you to your fitness and performance goals, both in and outside the studio.
At Pursue we believe there are 3 pillars of fitness. Each of our class offerings emphasizes one of these pillars:
It is our belief that bodies should be trained differently each day so as to optimize cardiovascular health, muscle stimulation & growth, and restoration and lengthening. This is why we have 3 studios under one roof!
While each discipline at Pursue is different, we will touch on 5 common themes in every class:
  1. Core Work/Plank
  2. Large Muscle Stimulation
  3. Small/Stabilizing Muscle Stimulation
  4. Lengthening/Stretching
  5. Cardiovascular Endurance
We believe that every exercise should be performed in a neutral spine position.  Core work, such as plank, provides for activation of the deep and superficial abdominal muscles to align the spine into its optimal neutral position.  At Pursue we don’t “tuck.” We also avoid hyper-extension of the spine. Plank work allows our clients to memorize what they should be “feeling” when they bring their body to a vertical position; ultimately, all strength and cardiovascular training should be performed with the spine in a “vertical” or “moving” plank position!  The proper activation of the abdominal wall then allows us to cue breath with exertion, and protect the spine and pelvis
once additional resistance/load is added to the body (with dumbells, kettlebells, small hand weights, resistance bands, etc). Movement performed in a neutral spine position also allows for effective hamstring to glute connectivity;  when the pelvis is in an unnatural tucked position the hamstring muscles do not have the necessary space to open and lengthen, therefore they never contract to their full potential. Neutral spine leaves space between the glute and hamstring, providing for the optimal environment for muscle activation, not only around the muscles of the seat, but the entire kinetic chain, or back line, of the body.
Each class at Pursue is designed to target both larger, fast twitch, muscle fibers and smaller, slow twitch, muscle fibers. A few characteristics of large, fast twitch, muscles include:
  • Larger, fast twitch, muscle fibers are responsible for powerful, quick, and explosive movements.  
  • They use oxygen to help convert glycogen to adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the chemical that actually fuels muscle contractions.  
  • Fast-twitch fibers have a high threshold and will be recruited or activated only when the force demands are greater than the slow-twitch fibers can meet.  
  • They take a shorter time to reach peak force and can generate higher amounts of force than slow-twitch fibers. 
  • Fast-twitch fibers can generate more force, but are quicker to fatigue when compared to slow-twitch fibers.
  • Strength and power training can increase the number of fast-twitch muscle fibers recruited for a specific movement. 
  • Fast-twitch fibers are responsible for the size and definition of a particular muscle.
  • Fast-twitch fibers are called “white fibers” because they do not contain much blood, which gives them a lighter appearance than slow-twitch fibers.
There are actually two types of fast twitch muscle fibers, type IIa and type IIb.  Type IIa fibers are in the middle of the muscle fiber spectrum, as they are less fatigue resistance, produce more muscular force, and contract at a faster speed than slow twitch fibers. This makes them most suitable to stop-and-go activities such as basketball, soccer, hockey, and recreational skiing, as well as max output activities such as weightlifting, and many track and field events.  The type IIb fibers are the most fatigable out of all the fibers but also generate the most power and force, and therefore are the fastest twitch muscles fibers. These types of fibers are recruited in activities that require an all out burst of power and only act for an extremely short period of time, as the total length of their contractions usually last only 7.5 milliseconds. In terms of general recruitment, they are also the last to be recruited. For example, upon normal activities, slow twitch fibers are recruited first, followed by type IIa when the type I can no longer suffice, and then finally the type IIb, which are recruited to produce maximal strength.